File a Complaint
Patients have the right to competent and professional medical treatment. Your complaint could prevent injury or death of a patient! The Respiratory Care Board (RCB) is committed to protecting and serving consumers by administering and enforcing the Respiratory Care Practice Act and its regulations in the interest of the safe practice of respiratory care.
The RCB relies upon consumers and concerned parties to inform the RCB when a respiratory care practitioner (RCP) has violated the Respiratory Care Practice Act. Such violations may include but are not limited to sexual misconduct, abuse of alcohol and/or prescription drugs, use of illegal narcotics/substances, incompetent and/or negligent practice, conviction of a crime substantially related to the practice of respiratory care, falsifying or making grossly incorrect entries in any patient chart, changing the prescription of a physician, fiscal dishonesty/fraud/theft, or unlicensed practice.
Everyone has the right to file a complaint without fear of negative repercussions. Pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2318 and Civil Code section 43.8, a complainant is immune to prosecution for registering a complaint. Further, each individual has the right to file a complaint anonymously. However, the RCB does prefer to have the name and a telephone number and/or an address of the complainant in order to contact him/her in the event additional information is needed during the investigation.
There are two ways to file a complaint with the RCB:
- Online using BreEZe Online Services
- Completing the Consumer Reporting Form and submitting it to the RCB either by:
Fax: (916) 263-7311
Mail: 3750 Rosin Court, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Once the RCB receives and opens the complaint, the complainant will receive a letter acknowledging receipt of the complaint within ten business days. Please refer to the RCB's Enforcement Process Overview for additional information.